Sunday, June 15, 2008

Summary of twisted life.

Lets start out with i was born 11/26/1990. To the parients Sandee and Charlie Teresa. I ended up with an awsome brother Tyler. we are three years apart. Life was pretty normal we lived in Nj for a little bit. My parients wanted to make the all american dream life and live in paradise. So we packed and were gone. We were living in paradise. We started off tiny and went out with a spark. My dad started his own business Doctor Detail. He is the hardest worker i know. And i respect that, So i went threw elementry school just an adverage girl. My mom and dad wanted me to be every thing that i could be. they started me in sports. I was a enrolled in dance and softball. I excelled in softball, I was on the best teams, best batting average, made travel and allstar teams. I was your more than adverage girl playing a sport. My dad saw more he saw college scholar ships, he saw professional skills, most of all he saw potintel of a althlete. I rember loseing intrest of the sport and getting angry with the pressures. 4th grade i was threw, but my dad wasnt. I was asked what sport i wanted to try and i didnt even think about it i just mutter tennis. I started tennis that summer. I was naturally good at it, it started at 2 hours a day. Then it went to private lessons, then top of the line racquates. The coaches saw skill and my dad saw fame. We couldnt afford to pay for tennis everyday so i meet a friend and her parients were pretty rich and my mom made a deal with them if we picked up alexis and took her to camp to pay for my lessons. I soon was playing tennis 3hrs a day 5 days a week. I was shineing out on the court i had to move on to the next step. i went from raquates clubs to raquate clubs. Then we came across private tennis coaches i finally found one that pushes me to the edge, Coach Wes Dubouis. the coach to the stars. he had evened played with Mariah Sahpova (no joke) well i was playing every day for up to 5 hrs and working out and dieting on my spare time. I was never good enough for this coach though. I was always not at my physical peek in his eyes, either i was to fat or not muscular enough. And this was going on for at least 4 years. I rember hitting rock bottom and i had a deisease. I would eat infront of my parients but throw it up shortly after. All this stress made me become what i was not. I was a tennis prodagie. I had no real friends just me and that court. I was playing in tourtmients and number one on the school tennis teams. But when eight grade came along i was rebleing, i had been pushed to my limits, i had the school counslers on my ass, teachers wondering why my grades where dropping. after tennis season was over i was a mess and was done with the sport. My parients were desevited they had wasted hard erned money on lessons that didnt pay off. The william sisters had been beaten. i didnt care about school. I gained alot of weight and my condifince crashed to a bottom low. I got envoled with stupid guys. Then highschool came calling. I entered ninth with the bad kids, my grades stunk so i was in the class with the troubled kids. I joined the kiltie band, i didnt play an instrument, i was in the colorguard. the only reason i wanted to do colorguard was because my mom used to twirl when she was a teen and i wanted to carry on the tradrittion but most of all to be closer to my mom. ( my mom had such a strong realtion ship with my brother but was lacking on me). I really liked it, i had a group of wild girlfriends and they turned out just to be memories but they helped me find love. I meet my love of my life at the big rival football game. John Hallock the up and downs the memories that pack a punch on my heart, the reason i was put on this earth. Well like i said we had are up and downs and everybody eles had their up and downs with us. At this point in time i wasnt intrescted in highschool and i got in with the wrong people. i started to becomes every parients worst nightmare. i was the flunking druggie reble with an shity attitude. I was so inmature
i didnt want to listen to anyone. I wanted everyone to know my name and i didnt care how shameless i was i wanted a name for myself. And i got just that. Highschool sucked i been in a number of verbal fights, i lost friends, i lost myself. i never went to any classes i would walk off campus to smoke ciggerates with my so called friends, i mean It was lame. I lied my way threw highschool. and hurted the one who loved me. I got in fist fights, i went to rehab, i almost lost what was special to me, but threw out this highschool experince my at home life sucked even more i was getting mentally and phiscally abused. I was in a rut that kept getting worse. i edventually transfured schools and joined a private school it was fun while it lasted and it didnt last every long. but between that time the people i loved most in this world wripped apart. My parients and John. I needed both of them but couldnt have both. Nobody understood the pain i was going threw i never knew i could love somebody so much. and i swore i would never let go. But my parients decided to let go. so here i am 17 years old living in new jersy with my grandpairents. My life is hell. My love is back in florida and i feel like we are slipping away. But i am being as strong as i can. Its not fair to him or me, My brother is back in florida with my parients it looks like he now getting in the same zone i was getting in. I dont talk to anybody all day long i am stressing out loseing weight getting sick and being in a physically and mentally scary state of mind. I feel like anything can happen to me right now. But it feels good to rite my life feelings on this computer, it better than talking to myself i am so lonley and scared. I am just counnting down the day until i am 18 so i can move to orlando with john and start our life together. And let me get this straight i am not balmeing anybody for my life situation it is nobody fault but my own. And nobody can fix this only me so i am getting ready and hold on for a bumpy but meaningful ride threw life it is like what john had taught me. you cant ride a rollercoaster with your eyes colsed because you will never know what passed and what to come. My eyes are open.